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Precision Lightweighting

Evolution of a Bracket

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59% weight reduction
31 high-speed iterations in 30 mins

The Challenge

The objective of this case study was to lightweight a bracket made out of Aluminium 6061, at the same time ensuring that the bracket maintains its original topology and structural integrity, even as new materials savings are achieved through this innovative lightweighting method.

The Process

The lightweighting process began with a bracket that was then infilled with a lattice, which was thickened only where necessary. Through a series of 31 iterations, the structural characteristics of the bracket were analyzed and modified to achieve the desired weight reduction without compromising its strength. The initial bracket has a weight of 58.9g, which was ultimately improved to 24.1g while still meeting the predefined benchmarks for the maximum number of iterations, allowable stress, and beam thickness.

The Results

Optimization of the bracket design resulted in a weight reduction of 59%, reducing from 58.9g to 24.1g over 31 iterations while maintaining beam thickness and von Mises stress within the maximum allowable amount (10mm and 220 MPa respectively). The use of advanced algorithms and optimization criteria was a significant factor in the improvement of the bracket, and suggests an untapped potential for driving efficiency and performance in product design, development and manufacturing.
