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Tooling Design

Harness the power of AM to expedite tooling design and fabrication.

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Additive manufacturing in tooling design reshapes manufacturing processes, offering unparalleled customization, innovation, and efficiency, transforming how industries approach tooling fabrication and enhancing overall production capabilities.

Enabling Technologies

Algorithmic Design

Algorithmically channel conformal cooling channels within the molds, avoiding internal obstructions to bring thermal regulation to all areas of the mold, enabling innovative tooling design and fabrication.

Quasi-Meshless Thermal Simulation

Rapid simulation of the mold’s thermal regulation increases cooling channel efficiency and allows for parts to be molded faster, increasing your overall production throughput.

Running Faster

A new landscape for the future of footwear design begins with an 80% reduction in design-to-production time and the 2D-to-3D transformation of the footwear production process.

From Concept to Production in Days

In a collaboration with DESMA and designer Daniel Shirley, Hyperganic’s Design to Mold app facilitated an 80% reduction in design-to-production time, slashing it from weeks to days. The app's capabilities allowed for the direct conversion of 2D sketches into 3D midsole designs, eliminating the need for traditional CAD tools and fostering rapid prototyping.

  • 80% reduction in design-to-production time, from weeks to 2 days
  • 6 2D images required to create a full 3D model of a midsole
  • Instant iterations and rapid prototyping, bypassing traditional CAD processes to create production-ready footwear
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